Function dictToDis

  • Return a display string from the dict...

    1. 'dis' tag.
    2. 'disMacro' tag returns macro using dict as scope.
    3. 'disKey' maps to qname locale key.
    4. 'name' tag.
    5. 'tag' tag.
    6. 'navName' tag.
    7. 'id' tag.
    8. default

    If a short name is specified, resolving disMacro is given a lower precedence.


    • dict: HDict

      The dict to use.

    • Optional def: string

      Optional default fallback value.

    • Optional i18n: LocalizedCallback

      Optional localization callback.

    • Optional short: boolean

      Optional flag to shorten the display name.

    Returns string

    The display string value.

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